jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009


When you are not the one to choose
when you are not the one who takes the risks
when nothing you do seems right
when everything with a simple word fades away
when all you try to do, always get stuck
life starts to suck

Im sick of it, nothing is completely mine
i cannot choose at all
i keep coming and going
turning around, going and coming back
I have always believed in values
such as loyalty, trust, sincerity
but over all to be able to love
i only wish everyone would believe it as well
if that were the case, i bet my life,
this mad world would be a different story

When you now you cant keep on the same track
when you are sure that you could be better
in some other place
when you are stuck, you wanna change,
but youre sure it wouldnt matter.
i dont know what to do
im just positively sure
that i could be doing it better
God where are you??
i need urgent help, would you mind to show up?
I cannot keep fighting
im sick of it, you never get nowhere
neither at home, at work, anywhere
you just have your hands tied,
nothing is fine
is just you against the world,
nobody else around
when there are choices to make
fear always show up
and the cold blood you could have acquired
runs away.
i know at some point ill find the answers
but right now, im tired of waiting, trying and expecting
i just want to have everything solved.

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2009


I cant keep counting on you
i cant keep trusting on you
i cant keep saying i want you in my life
that is somehow not truth
I want to keep you as a memory
nothing but that, but it seems to me
like i cannot,
something inside me keeps saying
better cut it all off.
I am not so sure about letting it all go
because is sort of annoying
keep in touch with you
is like a rule
one of us will always end up angry
sometimes is you, sometimes is me
when you are alone you keep coming to me
but when you are with someone barely look back
is not fair, is not what i want,
But that is just a part of my life
when i get to see it all
nothing i do, seems to be complete
everything i try always gets missed
something is never done
something is not as it should
and i just keep making mistakes i should not
i dont have the strength, the patience
something is missing,
something is not being well done.
Something needs to be renewed
something needs to be turn blue
i will find the answers at some point
right now im tired
im sick of thinking all this
and i will wait for the right time
i am tired of trying to keep at your pace
thats why today i said
i wont until you say the first word...

last minute thoughts

What hurts the most, is to know that you are there but not for me.
What i like the most, is that i can share without regrets
What i hate is that i couldnt move faster to win
What i love is to be free to do whatever i want
What i realize is that things wont always be like this
What i have found, is that some things i have refused are the ones that i want
What i wish is to have a nice life
What i expect is to live to the full
What i hope is to find the one
What i want is to become responsible of my ownself
i expect i have the time, but over all the tools to make it
i cannot keep waiting
i dont want to be expecting
what i want is to realize how strong i am
to remember how i was complete once in my life
to become the best i have ever been
to just show to myself thath i havent changed that much
because at the bottom of my self, of my life, of my soul

miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009


Han sido seis años de encantos y desencantos, al ver los colores me enamore, no me apasionaba toda la actividad que realizaba, nunca he sido muy dada al ejercicio, pero como hacia que todo funcionara era sorprendente, quede enamorada a primera vista, eso sucedio en el 2003, tenia una dirección sorprendente, sabia lo que queria alcanzar, pero no lo logro del todo, tuvimos una no tan buena racha, pero al siguiente año mejoramos un poco, comenzamos a comunicarnos, a llevarnos mejor, algunos repuntes y la magia se mantenia,algunas nuevas adquisiciones en algo bastante ayudaron, llegamos al 2006 y parecia que todo se habia vuelto monotono, ya no habian cuestiones sorprendentes, pero lo peor estaba por llegar, logramos mantenernos hasta el 2008, pero las rupturas ya se notaban, algunas caracteristicas nos habian abandonado, de repente tuvimos nuevas y para el 2009 logramos colocarle la cereza al pastel. El barcelona nos regalo la triple corona, lo logramos a miles de kilometros de distancia, con un gran charco de distancia, soñamos, lloramos y gritamos como los del nou camp. 6 AÑOS, LA ESPERA MAS LARGA DE MI VIDA VIVA EL BARCELONA Que creyeron, el amor todavia no me pega tan fuerte,,,....hehehee

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2009

Hace tanto tiempo

que contarles el tiempo pasa, nos vamos volviendo viejos, el amor no lo reflejo como ayer, en realidad algunas acepciones de amor aun no las he conocido ni experimentado, pero las basicas de la mayoria, el amor al estudio, a la familia, al trabajo, a conseguir sus sueños y alcanzarlos y tantos otros amores que he vivido. pero en realidad ahorita es para medio ponerlos al tanto, en un mes la vida da tantas vueltas que si no te has proyectado, o si no estas listo puedes marearte y de repent caes en una espiral en la que el tiempo pasa tan rapido y tu simplemente te vas quedando, el tiempo pasa sobre ti, todo pasa y tu ni cuenta te das. Eso es lo que a toda costa se debe evitar, porque si el tiempo pasa sin que tu te acomodes a su paso, te dejara, y luego algo comenzara a llenarte un vacio que solo podra ser llenado por la frustracion que te crea no hacer nada en el tiempo que tienes mientras otros si aprovechan su tiempo-


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